University Planning

We help high school students prepare to apply to colleges and universities in Canada, the US, and the UK. With our assistance, students choose high school courses, explore extracurricular and summer opportunities, and learn about universities and programs where they will thrive.

The high school and university years are essential for exploration, learning, and growth. They are also a significant investment in the future. Our professional and supportive one-on-one counseling helps students make these years and the transition from high school to university positive and enjoyable for the whole family.

We know you have busy lives. Therefore, we deliver our counseling and coaching services by virtual conferencing, email, and telephone to fit student schedules – regardless of time zone.

University Planning Timeline

We aim to guide students towards achieving the following milestones:

Explore and Discover

  • Delve into interests and careers, and learn about majors that align with aptitudes, interests, and personality.
  • Participate in meaningful extracurricular activities to explore interests and learn new skills. 

Navigate the University Landscape

  • Research colleges and universities to identify the best fit academically, socially, and financially.
  • Create strong applications and compelling essays highlighting personality and strengths.

Strategic Planning

  • Establish an individualized application timeline to ensure timely submission of applications early in 12th grade.

Planning ahead will benefit your child. Kickstart the journey in 9th or 10th grade with an initial Strategy Session. We’ll map out course selection and extracurricular activities and start building a solid foundation of knowledge about universities, majors, and careers.

Contact us today to set the stage for a successful educational future.

Find your academic pathway with us. 

Let’s discuss your educational future


How Can We Help You Find Your Path?

Contact us to discuss your educational future. The earlier you start planning, the more options you’ll have.

“I am so grateful for the opportunity to have worked with you. With your support, I now have a better idea of my areas of interest and what I would like my career to involve. You have made my transition from high school to post-sec immensely easier! I cannot thank you enough.”

— Peter, accepted to Washington University of St. Louis 2019